#ManeCrushMonday w/ Taylor B.

Happy Monday Loves

I’m back to brighten up your Monday with another #ManeCrushMonday! Today I’ll be featuring the Curly, Cool, and Chill Taylor. I love how versatile Taylor is with her hair and is always playing around with new styles. She actually inspired me to try a sleek and curly ponytail on my own hair! Read all about Taylor’s holy grail staples in hair and fashion below. Enjoy!

Taylor Bourne

Mane Style: How long have you been natural?

Taylor B.: December 2013 was my last relaxer and I transitioned until July 2015. So I’ve been fully natural for almost 4 years!

MS: What is your go-to hairstyle that never fails?

TB: Middle part slick bun never does me wrong! Also, if I take my time on a wash n go, it comes out right every single time.

MS: Do you have any holy-grail products you can’t live without?

TB: Aussie conditioner, Eco Styler, JBCO, Trader Joe’s Tingle Tea Tree Shampoo

MS: Describe your personal style in two words?

TB: Simple & Chill

MS: What clothing store(s) could we find you in, mostly?

TB: I rarely shop but since I have started a new job, catch me in Express and Forever 21!

MS: If you couldn’t live without one thing in your closet what would it be?

TB: My Lululemon tights. They are the most comfortable pair of leggings ever and it literally changed my life. They were a gift so it is going to kill me to spend my own coins on my next pair LOL.

MS: Does your outfit of the day reflect how you wear your hair? Or vice versa?

TB: YES! If I am wearing a black or dark shirt, my hair has to be up. My hair reflects my outfit. If my shoulders are out, I’d rather my hair hang some type of way. If not, I have to have super large hoops to distract the hair being up or in a bun. I’m weird, I know. Natural hair is hard to style with some outfits. Which is why it takes me forever to get ready.

MS: Just for fun, who are your top three #WCW or just women who inspire you?

TB: Beyonce of course. I don’t feel like I even have to explain that one lol. Also, Michelle Obama is the perfect example of elegance and class. Lastly, I love what Rihanna has been doing lately with all of her lines. I love how hard she works to represent black women.

MS: If you could share one of piece advice with readers, whether it be about style, hair or life, what would it be?

TB: Piece of advice is to really get comfortable with who you are. Not everyone will like it but you have to get to a place where being you is enough. It took me a while but it is so rewarding to know yourself and be confident in every decision you make. This decision can be professional or personal, both matter. As far as your hair, IT TAKES TIME. Nothing that is worth it happens overnight. Put in the work to get your hair healthy and again, be YOU! There is no better feeling than being 100 percent yourself :)

Mane Style: How can we connect with you?

Taylor B.: Instagram: @tay.bourne | Twitter: @taybourne_ | Youtube: Taylor Alexis

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What’s meant to be, will be”

Taylor’s Fave Quote

Thank You Taylor! The #ManeStyleSquad appreciates you!

P.S. Feel free to email or comment below any #ManeCrushMonday nominations!